Structural Inspections

Concerned about a potential structural problem in your home? Buying or selling a home? Need a structural inspection?

Remove the uncertainty and receive an exact diagnosis you can feel confident about with a Structural Inspection from StructuralMD.

What’s included – a professional inspection of any structural issue(s) in your home, a home you are buying, or your commercial structure.

Includes inspection any structural aspect of a building such as footings, foundation, main structural members (beams, columns, girders, bearing walls), and secondary structural members (exterior and interior walls, attic and roof framing).

Following the inspection, you will receive a structural engineer’s letter of findings and a certification as to the diagnosis of the structural issue(s), signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer. Areas of concern will be flagged and recommendations made regarding items that require immediate remedy, short-term, or long-term attention along with budgetary estimates as applicable based on industry standards.

Looking for a lighter option that costs less? Schedule a Structural Assessment with our Structural Engineer and receive the professional guidance, advice, and assessment of your structural issues on-site VERBALLY only, with no follow-up report or letter. This is a good option for those simply needing direction, professional advice and the chance to speak with a structural engineer on-site. If it is determined jointly that a summary letter is in fact needed, that can be completed for the additional fee.

Call or email us today to schedule your inspection or assessment.